Friday, August 15, 2008

goodbyes and farewells

ever seen a moving scene in a movie or a tele drama where the main character goes afar in order to fulfil their destinies ???? in search of themselves ??? to find out what small or big part in this whole wide world they are going to play for the rest of our lives????
well im in such a situation in my life .and so are my friends... just finished my engineering and because of the recession , sitting at home waiting for infosys to give us our joining dates.some of my friends have joined the IT workforce already , some have been thrown into remote corners of india for their training by their core companies,some are eagerly awaiting jd and some are pursuing higher studies abroad..
one of my close friend went away ..
and u know youdve seen in the movies ,how the hero says such nice comforting dialogues when his friend is leaving ,when an era of friendship is coming to an end.
well u cant really say all that nice moving stuff in real life :P.. u really cant .. well there we were, sitting at his home talking about this and that .. the ambience in the room a bit sad n uneasy ...
and i couldn't even say all the best ..
just sorta kept mum n listening to others talk about this n that ..
you feel sad about it and wanna do some thing about it .. but wat?? i guess in the end we just should be happy for them that they are finally moving on to better things in their lives ....
the time for part takings came and i had thought ill say all the best ,do well , we'll miss u , and lots more..
but finally came up with this "bye"
thats it ... just plain "bye"
i was my most silent self that day..
but i guess he understood
some goodbyes are like this silent and strong ...
all the best buddy..