Monday, September 08, 2008

im sittin here....... in a borin room n i wonder!!!!

hey ppl ... sitting here in cold night with just my hands protruding out of this warm fluffy bedsheet, having satiated my appetite somewhat by managing with whatever i could lay my hands on in our fridge at 3 : 30 am in the morning, i wonder....

u see ppl get all these deep thoughts only at these odd hours of night .. (or when u seriously have to prepare for exams n the subject is a boring one !!) ..

what constitutes the essence of love... i mean what makes one person fall in love with another person??
is it pysical beauty?, compatibility ?, having fun together?, having a deep understanding of and respect for the other persons desires n ambitions?, wanting to spend the time together? , craving for their company?

i mean , this all the necessary ingredients for love right? if u find all this in a person is she "the one"?

some one said

"At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one."

(and this was said in 1990s add a few more zeoes here n there n ull find it perfect even today )

is it enough for love if u just want to be in touch with that person as long as u can? , to wait to hear from them , to think of something witty n amusing to say to them the next time u meet just so that u can impress them?? (sounds kiddish na?)and is it enough if you feel like you wanna let go of all the stupid antics , n kiddish wisecracks just so that the person sees you as some one more mature ?

is it just a crush if it stretches on not for months but years?even when both the persons have changed drastically from what they were , when both have become completely different from the persons they used to have crush on???

and finally is it okay to lay bare all your feelings and emotions ?even when the other person has been a good friend for a loooooong time ?? i mean is there an expiry date for such confession???what if it turns sour??? what if at the end ur left wd nothing? not even the friendship that you cant do without??? and believe me it takes real courage to confess something like that . stronger the feelings , harder it gals.. next time some one says he has feelings for u .. at the least be sensitive ...

"Losing your heart's desire is tragic, but gaining your heart's desire is all you can wish for. So if that's tragic, then give me tragedy!"

lemme ponder this for now ..
adios :)


Blogger Unknown said...

hey dude..nice post...i think the 2nd most courageous act that a man can do (asking her to marry comes 1st :D ) is to propose her for the 1st takes a hell lot of courage and girls go rejecting men like its their birth right.... :|

6:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

by the way plz allow anonymous comment on your blog so that others might reply too...and am from the infoscion bloggers community

6:21 AM  

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